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Chris Allan  
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Appt. Date Time Patient Name           Patient ID NHS No. Consultant Resource Appt. Type Clinic Function Status Class Update
07/05/2013 09:20 AM David Brown 008934 0078988
Mike Miller
Consultation 9 FU Phlebotomy Attended  
02/03/2013 09:00 AM Chris J Allan 008988 0078777
Bob Syman
Consultation 5 NP Phlebotomy Cancelled  
02/03/2013 11:00 AM Mark Sam 004544 0045545
Kelly Petra
Consultation 2 IC Minor ops Seen  
07/05/2013 01:20 PM Kelly Grand 006543 0066755
Mark Robinson
Consultation 4 MO Plastic Dressings Did Not Attend  
07/05/2013 09:20 AM David Brown 008934 0078988
Bob Syman
Consultation 6 FU Diagnostic Attended  
Previously Seen by Consultant   First Visit to the Hospital
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