Chris Allan  
Patient Management Booking Billing Material Management Pharmacy Finance Administrator Reports
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Referral Management : Edit
Booked via Choose and Book
Patient Details
Patient ID : 008988 Patient Name : Chris J Allan NHS Number : 0078777
GP : Mark William GP Practice : North Bradford Drug Service    
Appointment Details
Appointment Date : 02/03/2013 Appointment Time : 09:00 AM Appointment Status : Booked
Consultant : Mike Miller UBRN : 0076888990876ASED Service : Hip - Orthopaedics
Referral Details
Referral Status : UBRN : Clock Start Date :
Treatment : Speciality : Sub Speciality :
CCG (Insurer) :
Band : Patient Pathway :
Service Requested : Medical Staff : Appointment Priority :
TAL Booking Reason :        
Self Referral : Source of Referral :    
Type : Organisation :
Person :
Direct Booking :        
Source of Enquiry :        
Notes :
Patient Interaction  
Referral Request