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Chris Allan  
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Waiting Room : 07/05/2013 09:20 AM : Update
Patient ID : 008988 Full Name : Mr. Chris J Allan NHS Number : 0078777
Appointment Date : 02/03/2013 Appointment Time : 09:00 AM Consultant : Mike Miller
Room : RC001 Appointment Type : Followup Status : Scheduled
Insurer : Max Bupa Policy Number : 008789797 Assessment Number : 0086876
Status   Notes   Diagnoses   Treatments   Request   Prescription   Medication
Appointment Status : Time :
Treatment Function Code :    
Outcome :
Not Treated in Activity   Treated in Activity   End Pathway   Outcome Unknown   Did Not Attend
Reason :
Did Not Attend Reason :
Notes To Aid Future Booking :
Recommended Outcome :
Follow Up Requests
Request Type Description Requested Date Status Activity Date Activity Time Request Class
XRay 07/05/2013 Booked 09/05/2013 09:30 AM Post Ops
CT Scan 07/05/2013 Cancelled     Pre Assessment
Follow Up 07/05/2013 Waiting     Post Ops
Appointment Status List
Updated Date / Time Appointment Status User Reason Notes
09/06/2014 09:00:30 Booked Sam.Miller  
11/07/2014 11:00:40 Confirmed James.Walt  
16/08/2014 11:45:10 Arrived Mark.K