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Purchase Order List

PO #
Vendor Name
Ordered By
Contract Number
Grand Total
1098 04/17/20 1st Option Home Infusion Brett Fowler 23415 Philips Medical Systems 1931.00 Approved
1123 04/17/20 A & A Pallet and Lumber Company Brittney 21452 Drager Medical 4037.74 Approved
3490 04/17/20 A+ Medical Company Sheldon Mckie 10987 ICU Medical, Inc. 4523.00 Approved
1098 04/17/20 1st Option Home Infusion Brett Fowler 23415 Philips Medical Systems 1931.00 Approved
1123 04/17/20 A & A Pallet and Lumber Company Brittney 21452 Drager Medical 4037.74 Approved
3490 04/17/20 A+ Medical Company Sheldon Mckie 10987 ICU Medical, Inc. 4523.00 Approved
1098 04/17/20 1st Option Home Infusion Brett Fowler 23415 Philips Medical Systems 1931.00 Approved
1123 04/17/20 A & A Pallet and Lumber Company Brittney 21452 Drager Medical 4037.74 Approved
3490 04/17/20 A+ Medical Company Sheldon Mckie 10987 ICU Medical, Inc. 4523.00 Approved
1123 04/17/20 A & A Pallet and Lumber Company Brittney 21452 Drager Medical 4037.74 Approved
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91 items in 10 pages
To Do List
Module ID # Description Date
Call Log 61426 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval
Purchase Order 45216 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval