Master Data

Lookup Type
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Model Type List of Different Model Type
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Model Type List of Different Model Type
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Model Model Type List of Different Model Type
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Model Model Type List of Different Model Type
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Partner Partner Status List of Partner Status
Model Unit of Measure List of Unit of Measure
Lookup Type: Model Type
Description: List of Different Model Type
1 Respiratory
Sub Codes
2 Anesthesia
Sub Codes
3 Respiratory
Sub Codes
4 Central Supply
Sub Codes
5 Feeding Pumps
Sub Codes
6 Central Supply
Sub Codes
Lookup Type: Model Type
Code: Respiratory
Sub Code
1 Portable Ventila
2 Anesthesia
3 Respiratory
4 Central Supply
5 Feeding Pumps
6 Central Supply
To Do List
Module ID # Description Date
Call Log 61426 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval
Purchase Order 45216 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval