Billing Version 0.0089897
ZZX - Red Door Pediatric Therapy
All of the 835s entered must belong to the indicated company.
Search Results
835 Key
Company Code
Released By
Released Date
Closed By
Closed Date
Deposit Date
1 C10 James Miller 1/12/2018 11:30:00 AM New Kelvin Ribbon 1/14/2019 7:33:28 PM 1/17/2019 8:30:28 PM
Check Number
Charge ID
Patient ID
Total Charge Amount
Payment Amount
Adjustment Amount
3338930459 124655614 1681487 $43.00 $33.00 $10.00
3338930459 124655614 1681487 $43.00 $33.00 $10.00
7498926 L12 Mark Martin 2/12/2018 12:00:00 AM Released/Closed Bill Norton 1/17/2019 7:33:28 PM 1/19/2019 9:30:00 PM
7231913 K32 Milly Kelvin 1/12/2018 11:00:00 AM Previously Processed Robert Oliva 1/15/2019 7:33:28 PM 1/16/2019 8:30:00 PM