Billing Version 0.0089897


  • Case Name : Case Name Here
    Total Visits : 04
  • Referring Physician : Mark B William
    Phone : (676) 909-8989
    Fax : (676) 909-8989
    Doctor's Orders Expires : 08/20/2018
    Total Visits : 07
    Visit Used : 04
    Visits Left : 03
  • * Authorization Expires : 08/20/2018
    Total Visits : 07
    Visit Used : 04
    Visits Left : 03
    Auth# : 0679967867
  • Insurance Eligible Through : 08/20/2018
    Eligibilty Comments : Comments Here...
Date of Birth: 12/02/1978 (38)
Ins Class: Medicare
Ins Name: Max Bupa
  • Payments (Daily)

  • Batch Payments Resolve any entries.
  • Release 835s Post your electronic remittance, advice and resolve any posting errors.
  • Payment Balancing Balance your payment batches and resolve any discrepancies.
  • EMR Balancing (Weekly)

  • Balance Your Visits Verify the number of visits are equal.
  • Balance Your Copays Verify the total payments entered by the front desk have posted to the patient accounts.