Billing Version 0.0089897


  • Case Name : Case Name Here
    Total Visits : 04
  • Referring Physician : Mark B William
    Phone : (676) 909-8989
    Fax : (676) 909-8989
    Doctor's Orders Expires : 08/20/2018
    Total Visits : 07
    Visit Used : 04
    Visits Left : 03
  • * Authorization Expires : 08/20/2018
    Total Visits : 07
    Visit Used : 04
    Visits Left : 03
    Auth# : 0679967867
  • Insurance Eligible Through : 08/20/2018
    Eligibilty Comments : Comments Here...
Date of Birth: 12/02/1978 (38)
Ins Class: Medicare
Ins Name: Max Bupa

Patient Information

Chris J Allan Sr
Town Place, 9625 Milliken Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, CA 91730, USA


(898) 888 - 8989
(898) 888 - 8989
(898) 888 - 8989

Other Contact Information

Other Patient Information

908 999 7878
Bros. Corporation

Internal Information

Please type your comment here !

Emergency Contact

Mark S Peterson
(234) 999 - 9098
(234) 999 - 9545
(234) 999 - 9232

Responsible Party

Chris J Allan Sr
Town Place, 9625 Milliken Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, CA 91730, USA
(234) 999 - 5656
908 999 7878

Billing Information

Fields marked with "required" must be completed before you can save.

Fields marked with "required for billing" do not need to be completed in order to save. However, you cannot bill charges for this patient until these fields are completed.

Enter the dollar amount applied toward the Medicare cap to date for the specified year, for therapy services not billed through RevFlow.

Year Amount Specialty
widget for selecting year dollar field dropdown to select PT/SLP or OT
widget for selecting year dollar field dropdown to select PT/SLP or OT

Account Summary

Charge Amount Payment Amount Adjustment Amount Balance
Insurance $222.05 $0.00 $0.00 $222.05
Patient $0.00 $45.00 $0.00 -$45.05
Total $222.05 $45.00 $0.00 $177.05

Ledger Full

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Ledger Visit

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Visit Log

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Billing History

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Demand Statement

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Form Letters

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Patient Statement Log

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Patient Payment Log

Create Report

Case Insurance Visits With Charges Dates Status
  ID Name Primary Secondary Tertiary Count DOS From DOS To Injury/Onset Discharge Case Effective Effective End Incomplete Active
9988261 06/15/2016 Shoulder Aetna Medicare 3 06/15/16 06/30/16 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016
Referring Physician: Jonathan Higginsworth
Primary Insurance Secondary Insurance Tertiary Insurance
Name Aetna Medicare Blue Cross
Insurance Class MH MH
Payer Group Capario Capario
Group # 123456789 987654321
Policy # 987654321 123456789
Address 9994 SW Pine St.
Suite 240
Portland, OR 97777-7777
3345 NE Wilson Rd.
San Diego, CA 92222-2222
Phone 555-555-5555 555-555-5555
Subscriber Gale, Dorothy Henry Gale
Relationship Self Father
Address 123 W. Main St.
Apt. 24
Kansas City, KS 97777-7777
123 W. Main St.
Apt. 24
Kansas City, KS 97777-7777
DOB 12/20/1967 01/16/1966
SSN 999-999-9999 999-999-9999
Gender F M
6668891 010/02/2016 Shoulder Paradise Medicare Medico Medicare Metro Medicare 3 06/15/16 06/30/16 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016
3466891 04/02/2016 Shoulder Aetna Medicare Medico Medicare Metro Medicare 3 06/15/16 06/30/16 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016 06/15/2016
New Case

Note Type Date Due Date Created by Assignee Status Stuck on
This patient's credit card is expired. INFO 02/26/2016 02/26/2016 Sampson, George Mark, Bill Incomplete --Not a Sticky--

Output Reports

Name Note DOS Type Created Date Status
05/26/2016 - SELF PAY
Non-Visit Discharge Note - 7/11/2016 11:41 AM Non Visit Discharge 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 Final
Initial Visit Note - 6/28/2016 1:18 PM Evaluation Visit Note 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Final
POC Certification_NonMedicare - 6/28/2016 1:18 PM Evaluation Visit Note 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Final
06/03/2015 - Foot Pain
06/03/2015 - Wrist Pain

Scanned Documents

Date Created Document Name Image Type Category Type Document Date Case ID Case
06/03/2015 3:38:10 PM FOTO Intake report 06/04/2015 3466758 06/03/2015 -Foot Pain

Date Created Document Name Location Practice
06/03/2015 3:38:10 PM Patient Intake Form BMS Testing ZZX Berk PLSC Alta Vista Rehab
07/10/2015 10:25:37 PM Back Disability Index Form Happy PT