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Chris Allan  
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Appointment Scheduler : Create Appointment
Patient ID : 008988 Full Name : Mr. Chris J Allan NHS Number : 0078777
Gender : Male Date of Birth : 02/03/1974 Phone : 989-876-7765
GP : Mark William GP Practice : North Bradford Drug Service    
Appointment Class :
Alert Duration change will change the Appointment Time
Appointment Details Time Left to Book an Appointment is 4 mins : 25 secs
Appointment Type : Duration :
Appointment Priority :
Appointment Date : 03/06/2014 Time : 09:30 AM Booking Status :
Consultant : Speciality : Sub Speciality :
Sub Facility : Location : Room :
Place on Waiting List :        
Notes :
Request Notes :
Referrer Details
Use GP : Self :    
Type : Organisation :
Person :
Source of Referral : Source of Enquiry : Treatment :
Additional Details
Medical Staff : Operation Status : Service Type Requested :
Send Reminder :        
Symptom Aware Date :
GP First Visit Date :
Comments :
Patient Pathway Information