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Patient ID : 008988 Full Name : Mr. Chris J Allan NHS Number : 0078777
Appointment Date : 02/03/2013 Appointment Time : 09:00 AM Consultant : Mike Miller
Room : RC001 Appointment Type : Followup Status : Scheduled
Insurer : Max Bupa Policy Number : 008789797 Assessment Number : 0086876
Status   Notes   Diagnoses   Treatments   Request   Patient Records   Prescription   Medication
Appointment Status : Time :
Treatment Function Code : Seen :
Recommended Outcome
Not Treated in Activity :   Treated in Activity :   End Pathway :   Did Not Attend :
Book Outpatient Activity   Book Outpatient Activity
Book Inpatient Activity   Active Monitoring
Treated in this activity, no further activity required   Book Outpatient Activity
Book Inpatient Activity      
Treated in this activity, no further activities required   Patients Episode has completed, no further activities required
Clinical Decision Not to Treat   Patient decided not to proceed with treatment
Patient Did Not Attend – Rebook OP Appointment   Patient Did Not Attend – Rebook IP / DP Admission

Did Not Attend (Stop Patient Pathway)

Actual Outcome
Appointment Status List
Appointment Status Time Status Notes Reason Notes
Scheduled Booked Sam.Miller