Welcome Robert Brown  
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Personal Details
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Medical History
Patient ID : 008988 (005667)
Duplicate of Patient ID : 008754
Bed : Bed 1 Ward : Ward 4
Name :
Gender : Maiden Name :    
Date of Birth : Unknown : Age :
  In yrs
NHS Details
NHS Number : Status :
Geographic Details
Residence Country : Nationality :
Ethnic Category : Religion :
Additional Details
Height :
  In Inches
Weight :
  In lbs
Marital Status : Diet :
Sexual Orientation : Disability :
Employment Status : Occupation :
Contact Information
Address 1 :
Address 2 :
Address 3 :
Address 4 :
Address 5 :
Post Code :
Home Phone :
Work Phone :
Mobile :
Email :
G P Details  
GP Practice :
G P :
Other Information  
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