Effective Date Range: Contract - MS03387 Status: Active

Tier 1B - Access - 20%
Tier 2B - 50% LOC - 24%
Tier 3 - 80% LOC - 35%
Tier 2C - 6 Month - 27%
Tier 2D - 12 Month - 31%

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Model Common Name
Tier 1B - Access
Tier 2B - 50% LOC
Tier 3 - 80% LOC
Tier 2C - 6 Month
Tier 2D - 12 Month
Page Size  
91 items in 10 pages
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Error Details
0 112225 Some Error details Here
2 354357 Some Error details Here
To Do List
Module ID # Description Date
Call Log 61426 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval
Purchase Order 45216 Mercy Hospital South
Not active, waiting call log approval