158 Days
211 Days
0-7 days old   8-14 days old   15-21 days old   22+ days old
18 - Exact duplicate claim/service 76 $10,892.81 $10,892.81 0.0%
204 - Service/equipment/drug is not covered under patient’s current benefit plan 65 $10,405.65 $10,405.65 0.0%
97 - Benefit already adjusted in another service 60 $8,810.20 $8,810.20 0.0%
23 - The impact of prior payer(s) adjudication including payments 40 $7,963.43 $7,963.43 0.0%
109 - claim/service not covered by this payor 34 $5,645.45 $5,645.45 0.0%
31 - patient cannot be identified as our insured 21 $4,865.44 $4,865.44 0.0%
96 - Non-covered charge(s). At least one Remark Code must be provided 64 $4,655.36 $4,655.36 0.0%
22 - this care may be covered by another payer per 26 $4,491.06 $4,491.06 0.0%
140 - Patient/insured health identification number and name do not match 31 $3,680.25 $3,680.25 0.0%
3 Co-payment Amount 31 $3,546.26 $3,546.26 0.0%
No Response 7256 $1,131,077.98 $1,054,859.40 6.7%
95 Benefits adjusted. Plan procedures not followed. 1 $321.90 $321.90 0.0%
B5 Coverage/program guidelines were not met 5 $321.48 $321.48 0.0%